Heat Pumps
Some examples of our Heat Pump projects

New Build - Solar PV, Heat Pump, Ventilation
8 kilowatt solar panel installation on a new building.
We have also installed an Air Source Heat Pump and Whole House Heat Recovery Ventilation System into this building during 2018.
The client wanted to have a house that is as energy efficient as possible, an Air Permeability test has been performed at the closed stage of building work. This test did confirm where any potential energy losses were present so any rectification work could be accomplished while still easily accessible.
The test also allows a confirmation of the heat calculations and ensures the building meets the energy reduction target to maintain the required Comfort Conditions.

New Build - Solar PV, Heat Pump, Ventilation
A new build property - Struan Veg - where the owners intention was to improve the energy efficiency of the design and install renewable technology.
We installed a Mitsubishi Air Source Heat Pump, Solar Panels and a twin Mechanical Heat Recovery Ventilation system.
Following an Air Permeability test on the building a few problems were located and after rectified by the builder should reduce the energy consumption still further.